"ADHD Coaching is a collaborative, supportive, goal-oriented process in which the coach and the client work together to identify the client's goals and then develop the self-awareness, systems, skills, and strategies necessary for the client to achieve those goals and full potential."
ACO - ADHD Coaches Association
Standard treatments for adult ADHD include medication and or therapy (CBT, psychotherapy, couples counseling). Over the past 15 years, ADHD coaching has grown in popularity and is emerging as addition form of support , on its own or in addition to medication/therapy. Learn more about what an ADHD coach can do for you.
What ADHD Coaches Help With
Some of the areas that ADHD coaches focus on are:

task, time, or household management
completing assignments / projects
effective strategies, or skill building
getting organized
building systems
assisting you in finding a life path or a balanced way of living.
Group Coaching
Coaching groups are another option (in-person or online). Groups help participants in making commitments or goals and have them check in on a regular basis for support.
Added benefits for group participants are:
support and validation from others who “get” you and your struggles
"Collective wisdom" - participants learn from their peers' insights and contributions as well as their own reflections.
a lower cost than 1:1 coaching

How Coaching Can Benefit You
A coach acts as an emotionally neutral figure in your life - providing advice, reminders, support, and assistance in a non-judgmental, non-threatening way.
Establishing and working towards goals with the external structure and support of an encouraging coach can help you maintain focus and progress.
A coach can also help with prioritizing from a multitude of ideas that ADHD brains tend to generate.
Hearing yourself think out loud can help you think things through or comprehend an idea.
Coaching can involve checking in on a daily or weekly basis - keeping you focused on your intentions and how to act on them, ensuring that your efforts are small and doable, and can help you regain your direction when you veer off course.
If you were diagnosed in adulthood you may have a distorted outlook on your strengths and weaknesses, and a coach can help you pinpoint these important parts of your character in a more accurate way.

ThriveADHD's Coaching Model
Discover the journey you will take when you coach with me, and the tools you will learn along the way.
When Coaching is Not Appropriate
Coaching is supposed to feel good as you take steps forward, make progress and keep commitments to yourself. Sometimes emotional barriers can prevent this from happening. Secondary symptoms of ADHD (especially if you have been living with undiagnosed ADHD for a long time) like crippling anxiety, low self-esteem or depression can interfere with the coaching process. In these cases, it is recommended that you get therapy / counseling to help you overcome these emotional barriers, either prior to coaching or in conjunction with coaching.
The Ultimate Goal
ADHD coaching aims to support your difficulties and optimize your functioning, not as an end goal, but so that you can focus on using your strengths, honoring your values and living true to your beliefs. Because that’s what makes your life fulfilling and meaningful.

This article is based on information from Sari Solden's Book Women with Attention Deficit Disorder